Aastha Community Participation


Aastha Respite Accommodation

Inclusion and Access through NDIS Disability Support Services.

Disability support services are instrumental in building a more inclusive society. Differently-abled individuals face a lot of challenges that prevent them from being a part of the mainstream social order. The primary goal of disability support services is to ensure that people with disabilities are not excluded from the social fabric and are gu [...] Read More

Aastha Respite Accommodation

Importance of Inclusivity: NDIS and Community Participation

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) aims to empower people with disabilities and actively helps them in achieving their goals. Assistance with community and social participation is one such support that aids NDIS participants to increase their social engagement and economic participation. Community participation of people with disab [...] Read More

Aastha Respite Accommodation

Enhancing Wellness: NDIS and Mental Health in People with Disabilities

People with disabilities are often disproportionately impacted by mental health challenges. Life can be even more challenging if the person has a psychosocial disability. In Australia, mental health services are available under ‘mainstream supports’ across all states and territories to everyone. These state-run mental health systems are usual [...] Read More

Aastha Respite Accommodation

A Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins with a Single Step: NDIS Psychosocial Support

The psychosocial disability support funded by the National Disability Insurance  Scheme (NDIS) seeks to help differently-abled individuals struggling with disabilities related to their mental health. During the past few years, the NDIA has been giving more importance to mental health. The agency organised numerous mental health workshops for pro [...] Read More

Aastha Respite Accommodation

Find Your NDIS Support in Western Australia

The beauty of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is the fact that any Australian citizen between the age of seven and sixty-four can start their NDIS journey by simply contacting their Local Area Coordinators (LAC) who will guide them in understanding the scheme and help them create and implement an NDIS plan. This government-funde [...] Read More

Aastha Respite Accommodation

Being Your Authentic Self: How to Live Your Best Life with a Disability?

Living your life with a disability is challenging and sometimes it can be hard to maintain a positive outlook on life. Differently-abled individuals often struggle with self-esteem issues because there are hurdles around every corner when it comes to basic human needs like education and employment. But the key to living a good life is to realise [...] Read More

Aastha Respite Accommodation

Navigating NDIS: Support Coordination is Here to Show You the Way

National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is an innovative disability support scheme introduced by the Australian Government. But a social reform of this magnitude comes with its complexities. It could be difficult for differently-abled people to understand the intricacies of their NDIS plan and make the most out of it. Support coordination  [...] Read More

Aastha Respite Accommodation

NDIS Benefits and Goals: Advantages of Registered Support

Australia’s National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a government-funded initiative aimed at supporting eligible people with disabilities. Differently-abled individuals under the age of 65 can access customized support packages that will significantly improve the quality of their living. As part of their NDIS plan, participants can set ce [...] Read More

Aastha Respite Accommodation

Overcoming Disability Barriers: NDIS and Assistance with Daily Life

The everyday activities that seem effortless to a lot of people are often difficult for people with disabilities. When one fails to carry out simple day-to-day activities, their self-esteem could take a hit for no fault of their own. A little assistance with personal tasks can ease the burden and help boost the confidence of differently-abled i [...] Read More

Aastha Respite Accommodation

Importance of Mental Health in People with Disabilities

The uncertainty and isolation created by the covid-19 pandemic have significantly impacted the mental health of people with disabilities. Among them, those with psychosocial disabilities as their primary diagnosis struggle the most when it comes to mental health. Constant support is required to nurture their psychological resilience and individua [...] Read More

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