
Encouraging Community Engagement and Social Inclusion through Short-Term Accommodation

Aastha Community Services

Participating in social and community activities has the power to enhance one’s sense of belonging, connection, and inclusion, while simultaneously building confidence and promoting a sense of safety. The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides funding for personalised support and services that helps people with disabilities to access activities and opportunities that help them to actively engage with their community. Short- Term Accommodation (STA), including respite, is an NDIS support that provides the necessary assistance and temporary accommodation required for the participants to take part in community activities and foster social connections. This also helps the primary caregivers of those participants to take a break from their normal routine.

Short-Term Accommodation, including respite, offers the combined advantage of helping the participants as well as their carers. The STA funding allows the participant to stay away from their usual home for a short period of time. They will experience new surroundings, acquire new skills and meet new people during their stay. This will help people with disabilities to connect with like-minded individuals and foster meaningful interactions within communities. Short Term Accommodation will cover the cost of personal care, food, lodging and assistance to participate in capacity-building activities. In the meantime, this will also provide respite for the informal support network of the STA participants. STA support can help us to build more inclusive and connected communities where everyone can actively participate and achieve their goals.

Aastha Community Services has always strived to create safe and inclusive spaces for people with disabilities through the support and services that we deliver. We believe that encouraging community engagement and promoting social inclusion are the stepping stones towards leading an independent and fulfilling life. Contact us today and we will provide you the necessary guidance to access the benefits of Short-Term Accommodation support from the NDIS.