
NDIS pricing boosted to support participants-Latest News NDIS

Aastha Community Services

National Disability Insurance  Scheme (NDIS) participants will have better access to safe supports following the completion of the Annual Pricing Review.

From 1 July 2022, price limits for all NDIS supports delivered by disability support workers will increase by 9 per cent, including a 2 per cent temporary loading in 2022-23, and all current NDIS plan budgets will be automatically increased to account for these price limit changes.

The financial impact of these changes is contained within the existing budgetary projections.

“These improvements will better support participant outcomes and reduce workforce turnover by funding better conditions for NDIS workers,” The Hon. Bill Shorten, Minister for the NDIS and Government services said.

The price limit increase takes into account changes to costs to deliver supports as a result of the ongoing impact of COVID-19, investment in quality and safeguards, the introduction of a minimum shift and broken shift allowance for workers, as well as the Fair Work Commission’s recent wage decision and the increase in the Superannuation Guarantee Charge.  Readmore: 

NDIS Registered Disability Support provider in Western Australia- Aastha Community Service