
Find Your NDIS Support in Western Australia

Aastha Community Services

The beauty of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is the fact that any Australian citizen between the age of seven and sixty-four can start their NDIS journey by simply contacting their Local Area Coordinators (LAC) who will guide them in understanding the scheme and help them create and implement an NDIS plan. This government-funded disability scheme is a success as the latest statistics on the NDIS website indicate that nearly 40,496 people in Western Australia are benefiting from it.

Once you have your NDIS plan and goals fleshed out with the help of your LAC, it needs to get approved by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA). Always remember that the LAC does not have any power over approval of the NDIS plans as that power resides with the NDIA. Sometimes, if you need some additional help with your NDIS plan because of its intricacy, you can avail yourself of the services of a support coordinator.

Even though it’s similar in its role to the LAC, support coordination is an NDIS funded support that provides some added assistance like plan management. After your NDIS plan is approved and funds are allocated, you can find a service provider to fulfil the supports that are featured in your plan.

Aastha is a registered NDIS service provider in Western Australia that can help you access the supports included in your plan. Apart from being a registered NDIS service provider, we also provide support coordination and psychosocial support to NDIS participants across Perth, Joondalup, Mirrabooka, Morley, Osborne Park, Victoria Park, Canning vale, Maddington, Armadale, Cockburn Central, Kwinana, Rockingham, and Mandurah. You can contact us regarding everything NDIS-related and we will guide you in choosing the best yet cost-effective services available in WA.