
Empowering Independence Through Positive Behaviour Support in SIL

Aastha Community Services

In Supported Independent Living (SIL), the primary goal is to empower individuals with disabilities to live as independently as possible. Implementing Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) in SIL settings, a person-centred approach that seeks to understand and address the reasons behind challenging behaviours will further help to enhance the independence of participants. When integrated effectively, positive behaviour support plans can significantly improve an individual’s quality of life and promote greater independence. PBS focuses on proactive strategies, skill development, and environmental modifications to reduce the occurrence of challenging behaviours, rather than relying on restrictive practices.

Positive Behaviour Support starts with a thorough assessment of an individual’s needs, preferences, and goals. This information is used to create a personalised support plan that identifies potential triggers for challenging behaviours and outlines strategies to address them. In an SIL setting, this might include modifying the environment, enhancing communication methods, or introducing new routines that align with the participant’s preferences. Community participation and social connections are important for everyone’swell-being. In SIL settings, fostering positive relationships is a key aspect of PBS. This might involve facilitating social activities, encouraging community involvement, or simply creating opportunities for individuals to engage with others in meaningful ways. Positive interactions not only enhance emotional well-being but also reduce the likelihood of challenging behaviours. Positive Behaviour Support is not a one-time intervention but an ongoing process. As individuals grow and change, their needs and preferences may evolve. PBS in SIL settings is flexible, adapting to these changes and continuously refining support strategies to ensure that individuals remain empowered and independent.

Aastha Community Services is a registered NDIS SIL service provider dedicated to offering more than just support—we are committed to enabling our participants to lead independent, meaningful lives. A key aspect of our approach is connecting eligible participants with Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) specialists who are not only highly skilled but also meet the stringent criteria set by the NDIS. By integrating this level of expertise into our SIL services, we ensure that each participant receives the highest standard of care, enabling them to thrive, build essential life skills, and experience true independence. Contact us today to know more.